Sunday, May 8, 2016

Media Log

Haters by Alisa Van Rodriguez 
Confessions of a video Vixen  by Karrine Steffans 

The Lovely Bones
Bring it on
Four Brothers
Sixteen Candles
Just Friends
The Breakfast Club
Soaked in bleach

Rihanna- Kiss it better
Kanye West- My Life as Pablo
Asap Ferg- New Level
Big Sean- Paradise
Azealia Banks- The Big Big Beat

T.V series

The Walking Dead
Fear The Walking Dead
The Real
Chasing Destiny

Monday, April 25, 2016

Student reflection paper.

Looking at a blank screen of my phone was kinda hard .  It made feel the need to turn on the home screen on my phone. However after a few minutes I didn't really care I looked at it and kept looking at it until I zoned out even though the instructions told me not to.  I wasn't thinking of anything I just all of a sudden stared at the black screen with my hand on my head. I also started to think about what I had to for homework, what  grade do I have in a class, am I going to do well on my finales? what am I going to about my classes for next semester. I just started to think about the stuff that I needed to do when I get home and how I will  write this same blog assignment.  This exercise made me think about media terminologies because my imagination ran wild with out me being on my phone and also the way I was thinking I was thinking about all the things that I need to accomplish. When I am in my phone I literally think about the next app that I need to move to or how  everybody else is.  I am more concerned with everybody else's life when I get on these apps and not really concerned with what I need to accomplish today and I what I need to do now. 

I spend majority of my time more and more concerned with other peoples life when I see new or old post by them. I find myself comparing my life to there's when I'm on my phone. However I have my life to think about and I need to be concerned about me and my problems. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The look of the Web changed?

The look of the the Web most 
defiantly has changed in a dramatic way. I was thinking about the days me and my cousins would use Yahoo messenger or msn messenger I and talk to so many people around the world and we also use to communicate through e-mail like a text message. We use to change our Icon's ain to sponge bob or  random TV shows. Its funny because they use to provide us the icons or some Disney websites or Nickelodeon websites use to provide us cute icons I use to be so happy when I finally found the right ones. However, me and my friends would e-mail each other back and forth all the time  and very quickly and we use to exchange our e-mail address between each other "Like hey do you have a e-mail" and we would write it down on a piece of paper  so we could send each other messages in class and use smileys or right when we go home . I also remember not being able to go on the internet at certain times because a person was on the house phone and the internet would go extremely slow like half of the page would be still loading. Also when the screen froze and you could drag the internet window and the entire screen would be filled with that dragged window.  

However half of the time the internet was fun because it was a way to communicate with everyone around the world and we never had that much communication with one another before. I never use to go on Myspace because I never had one but I heard it was so much fun to have by changing your background, adding friends and seeing pictures of people in school that you didn't know how they acted outside of school, and also changing your music on your Myspace was pretty cool from what I heard. But from what I believe back then  it was easy to disguise yourself and be a different person when communicating with others and fun but now its a lot of person its easy to get found out that your not the person you say you are and there are more websites to find a specific person.  Everything got so enhanced that your privacy is not even yours...even your job wants to know what your up to. I'm not condoning not being yourself but now I would have never imagined that we reach this far in communicating with others.   Because now we get to see exclusive clips from backstage shows online and communicate face to face on our phones and even have our tweet read in front of a live studio audience. Here is a group of
guys talkng about the same thing they are pretty funny!!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Free Post

So for this free post I kinda wanted to talk abut social context in the media we consume and how we might interpret the day in the life of a character of a movie that we might see on t.v, movie or in any media.  For example, I am a huge fan of The Walking Dead and in this show it gives you a day in the life of a many characters in a zombie apocalypse world, like how characters make decisions to survive. However, if there was a lesson on zombies in class and how people will survive if they were in an apocalypse I wouldn't be as interested because  in class we will have to sit an learn what the teacher wants us to learn and maybe right down notes for a grade.  But, if I am at home I have time to kick up my feet and enjoy.

The same thing with music. I remember one time I thought this Kendrick Lamar song was so goo it had a message telling everyone to love yourself because nobody else will love you like you love you. (The song is called real take a listen). So I'm thinking that the song is so good  and my dad never heard of Kendrick Lamar so I was like i'm just going to let my dad listen. Towards the end of the song my dad is like "There are a lot of curse words in it... Kendrick  says the N word a lot" (but this is coming from the same guy that listens to Wutang.)  Once  I  went back listen I noticed there were a lot of curse words and stuff  in the song. Another story was when I was in my dad's car and  my dad has a AUX cord, my dad suggested to me to play whatever I like... I didn't, I played some Bob Marley on Pandora  because I didn't want to sit in the car all awkward playing songs that I like because half the songs I like have curse words in it. However, later on once we were a little close to home he was like "Why are you playing reggae all this time" I was just like fine I play the songs I like and of course the song "IDFWU" came on by Big Sean and it had so many curse words in it I was like cringing because I was like this song had to play while I was on this trip back home with him.

It just goes to show one may seem more like entertainment and the other may ask you to do more thinking. Depending on where you see each one, you will experience each situation  differently. 

Monday, March 28, 2016

How, if at all, do you consider yourself as “active”?

I answered number 1.
Honestly I am not active when I watch television, reading a book, or playing video games. I am however really active when it comes to listening to music. Once I listen to any type of music I try to find more and more music that sounds somewhat like the music that I am listening to. Currently I starting to listening to old school R&B like Erka Badu Bag Lady and old hip hop like a  De La Soul ,Tribe Called Quest, Diddy, Biggie, Nas, Tupac, Eazy E,. I tend to find myself looking at old interviews of these artist because a lot of these artist were so wise and so ahead of there time its honestly heart breaking because some of these artist that I named are now gone and died way to soon. Not many artist like Tupac, Eazy E, Biggie or even Nas can be duplicated an now were stuck with  music that we can't barley understand and not many artist are confident about talking about issues like how the artist back in the day use to. Anyways i'm getting off subject, I also listen to a lot of 80's and even early 2000's R&B   music but I always listened to different types of music, since I was a sophomore in high school so I guess me listening to these type of genres is not all that surprising. But ever since I watched Straight Outta Compton movie I needed to do more research when it comes to hip hop and music in general because there was so much that I didn't know. For example, Nina Simone once I saw  the Netflix movie documentary about her  I felt that she was not just a singer she was a poet, she was outspoken, and a person that gave African Americans a voice of what was going on then in that time. I find myself always active when it comes to finding my type of music and finding artist that I gravitate towards because of their voice, their individuality and the way the beat is once they begin rapping or singing. 

Here is a song that I really like with Tribe called quest. (I also really like the video also)

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Hypoermic Model

Honestly, I had a lot of trouble starting this post because I wasn't sure exactly sure how I would make an example from the hypodermic model and I was just kinda confused in general. However, the hypodermic model is a theory that the mass media direct, immediate and powerful effect on the audience. I don't know what exactly or if my example is right on wrong but there are a lot of examples that came to thought when I was thinking about the Hypodermic Model. I think that the example that comes to mind is Television and Radio such as advertisement or even magazines .  For example in  advertisement there might be a product that a person may be influenced in buying a product like a perfume or a fitness product by how a person looks or feels. Magazines are a big influences on everyone's life, especially on women.  Tabloid magazines, beauty tips, or even how women are "supposed took". The radio is also the same thing advertisement, pop culture, and even these things can influence a lot of people.  People want to know whats the new thing or the new products that could help with there daily lives and television helps with fashion, gossip, and this could influence a lot of people they would think this looks great on them or this worked for them so why not me the same thing with the radio.  That goes for any media outlet.  This could be a good thing and a bad thing to have media like television and the radio  to a have a influence on others because for some people they might think that from what people are saying they would be influenced on what people say and eventually can't think for themselves. 

Monday, February 29, 2016

Homosexuality in the Media.

I feel that that homosexuality in the media is actually improving in the movies, TV shows, music. Homosexuality can improve our understanding of advocacy for better representations of sexuality in media.  I feel that they are being really really open towards gays in any media light and I really love it! I love that in the Oscars Sam Smith which is a homosexual man won a award for his song for "Writings On The Wall"  and he addressed he was the first homosexual man to win. I also like how there are shows like the Fosters and many shows on MTV showing homosexuality that I really like.  I love how the media is open so many doors for these kinda things and I blame us as a new generation for it.  I feel that us as a new generation (well some of us) don't care about race or your sexuality because were not as harsh were very open about about a lot of things. I feel that if it wasn't for us as a new generation and social media and also some people that may have felt a certain way before, I feel that things would defiantly will still be the same and will be stuck in the same old same old, and for me personally I feel that its sooo boring. Like in my other blog I explained that in many romantic films its always a boy meets girl or a girl meets boy and they fall in love in the summer after awhile that same story gets soooo boring after awhile. Why not bring a little change into romantic movies why not bring a character that we could relate to why not bring some REALITY in the world we live in today and that's exactly what is going on in the media today in movies, TV shows, and in movies an us as a new generation and people that  think like us  from back then are the main people responsible for that. Movies an TV shows can improve our understanding in homosexuality because we can see that these certain groups of people are just like us and we can some what relate to them in many situations that the character has and we grow feelings towards these characters and we grow feelings towards how we even look at the actor and we love it!  But the same thing goes towards music no one likes the same old same old in music so people go to other genres in music and inspired and the fact that homosexual people are getting so much recognition is amazing and honestly for me I don't really don't care about there sexuality I care about their craft in their music. And I thank Elton John and I thank people like Sam Smith and also David friggen Bowie for embracing their sexual preference because those are the same musicians that people don't care about their sexuality but they just care about their craft in their music.  We as people need to be more open about these certain things because the world is changing and this generation and some of the last is standing up and taking notice of that. I thought it will be cool if I show you a tribute that lady Gaga did for David Bowie. So you could see that it doesn't matter what your sexuality is it just matters in your craft in music and Mr.Bowie had many amazing music hits.